About Making An Impact
We think about making an impact as making a striking change in the world such that on hearing our name, everyone rises and respects us. But sometimes, we might not get the opportunity to do something so big that the whole world would have to hear about it. That is okay because even when we do not have the opportunity to do something big, we always have an opportunity to do something so small.
For me, my greatest fear is to be in a community and never making an impact. It is about not making an impact in work, school, and other endeavors of life. But I have come to realize that sometimes, all we need to do is to pick a very small area and start from there. We might not be able to change the world at large, but we can considerably change one or two person’s life and that would make all the difference in the world for them.
Yes, we want to make a lot of impacts, but for me, I have realized that it is better to focus on one or two areas very close to us and make an impact than to seek for a very big cause we might not be able to change. It is important to look closely at your environment and realize the people that need our help the most and see how we can impact their lives. It is important that we see the world more than just a place to make money and leave, but a place where we have the opportunity to make another person’s life a wonderful one.
For me, that is the definition of impact. Helping another person make possible what they never felt could be possible. That could mean a lot to a lot of people. And when you give out, it comes back to you in a million fold. When you help others grow, you also grow and become a better version of yourself every day. So it does not matter if you are not able to change the world, what matters is that you have helped at least one person move their state of mind and improved them to become better versions of themselves.
It is important that we help others grow so that in the end, we grow together and become a much better force than if we were simply on our own. Unity always wins.
Thanks and God Bless.