Another Opportunity At Life, Grab It
Have you ever wondered what happens to the goals, ideas and ambitions of people when they die? The goals and ambitions for that person also dies. The rest that is left is the impact of what they have been able to do, nothing more, nothing less. As such, this is a great lesson for us who are still here on earth to ask ourselves what we are doing with our goals and ambitions everyday. Are we still telling ourselves that we have more time or that the time is not right?
Look here, the time might never be right and sometimes you are just not looking which is why you are not seeing that indeed the right time is now. Whatever category you fall into, realize that today is another opportunity to right the wrongs of yesterday and achieve the goals you have long waited for. Because if you do not achieve your goals, in the end, they would just be ideas. Ideas no one ever used.
So understand that reading this today means that you have another opportunity at life to become much better and pursue your goals and dreams. Challenges would come, you bet. But the most important thing to remember is that only the ones who try truly know if they could have won or not. If you never try, you never know. Whatever is holding you back would not be enough excuse on your deathbed. So go out now and make today count.
Realize that you just have to take it a day at a time, let every single day count and in the end, your life would have meant something not only to the people around you, but to yourself. It seems as if our bodies have been made to realize its maximum potential, so when you do not push the boundaries, you are under utilizing your system and in that case, you would have no one to blame but you. But know that blame helps no one, it simply moves the problem around, it does not fix it.
So start today to see every moment you have as an opportunity to make something that would be useful not only to you but to the people around you. In the end, our most impact is the impact we have on the people around us. So keep pushing, keep going, know that you can beat the odds and come out the other side successful. How did I know that? Because well, no one truly knows. So start now and keep pushing.
See today as an opportunity to try it all out. Keep the fears aside, everyone is afraid of one thing or the other. Know that bravery is not the absence of fear, it is in controlling the fear when we are most afraid. That is bravery. So never let anything stop you from achieving your dream. Not the community, not the system, not even you. Keep going and keep pushing.
The opportunity to make it happen is here. Grab it and make the best of it. The world awaits your victory. Thanks and God Bless.