Ask God For Direction
It is important to realize that we do have a complex brain that helps thinks through a lot of the things we do everyday. But beyond having a brain that thinks through, we need to realize that we also need to be on the right path for whatever we are doing to have any impact or to make any sense which is why it is always important to seek God’s favour in everything that we do.
Sometimes, it is not about the rate at which we are moving or the energy we are expending, if we are expending the energy in the wrong direction, then it does not matter even if we are expending all our energy. It is important to realize that the direction is usually more important than the energy. And who is the best person to seek for directions from beyond the person who created us all, God. No matter how simple or how complex a decision might be for us, God is always interested in helping out. And all you have to do is to seek Him.
As you start your day today, consider even the simplest decisions that you want to make and ensure that you seek God. Seeking God could be as simple as being God conscious while making a certain decision and just letting go after seeking God. We do the best that we can and leave the rest to God to decide. But one mistake humans make is to expect that everything would be 100% because we have left it for God. Sometimes in not getting exactly what we want is the lesson God wants us to learn from. Maybe God wants us to learn what it feels like to have wanted and to not have gotten so that we can become a better version of ourselves.
So when you leave it for God, do not expect that things would work out just as you have planned. Have faith that the path it takes is the path God wants it to take and all you have to do is to believe in God and keep pushing. For every decision that you want to make, ask God. It could just be a few seconds of inviting God to take over whatever it is you want to start doing. By calling God in every of our affair, we begin to become more God conscious and no one becomes God conscious except that God is also conscious of that person. Seek God for direction everyday and He would always lead you right.
Never forget that because things did not go as you planned does not mean that the plan has stopped. It simply means that God is seeking a better plan for you and you would have to trust Him and keep moving forward. No one ever regrets believing in God. No one. So keep calling God in all your affairs and keep pushing. When you call the Master for directions, you get the grand master plan for the entire direction.
All you have to do is to work and believe that God is with you. Indeed, God is with us everyday. Seek God today and have a wonderful day. Thanks and God Bless.