Be Extraordinary
We tell ourselves every day that we want to be the best at what we do, yet we live life ordinarily. How do we expect to have an extraordinary life if we live life ordinarily? I asked myself this question today and I realized that to become extraordinary, you have to do what you do every day more than the ordinary way it is done. If you want an extraordinary life, you have to be willing to put in the extra to every ordinary task that you do.
If you want to excel at what you do, you need to be willing at every moment of every day to be willing to go just a little further than everyone else would. If you want to be better as a person, you have to begin to do a little more than what everyone does. In your job, in your life, in everything that we do, we need to begin to put in the extra effort. To become better at that task, you need to be willing to put in the extra hours needed. The ordinary hours would not be enough to get you that extraordinary performance that you seek.
When you seek to become extraordinary, you do not need to do a grand task to make you different, all you have to do is a little extra to the ordinary things. Keep pilling up the extra things you do until one day you realize that you are no longer doing what everyone is doing. To be different from everyone, you have to be willing to what no one else is willing to do. You have to be willing to give up just a little more of your comfort, a little more of your time to that task, a little more time to your family and spouse. Just a little more is all that you need to make the difference.
The little you would need would depend on the career or life path you are on. For a runner, it might just be as little as completing that race a second earlier, for a student, it might just be reading just a little longer than you used to, and for everyone, it just means doing a little more than you do every day. I realize that leaders can lead simply because they are able to make others do just that little more than is needed every day.
Understand today that the extraordinary life you seek would not come to you if you continue to spend your time ordinarily. You have to be willing and ready to push just a little more. A little more is all you need to make the difference. In the end, we get the life that we lived. You want an ordinary life, live ordinarily. For an extraordinary life, live extraordinarily. The world awaits your greatness. Thanks and God Bless.