Be The Leader You Want Others To Be
When we discuss the idea of leadership, most times, what people imagine is one person leading others. But most importantly, what we need to learn about leadership is first and foremost leading ourselves even before leading others. And so, to ask if you are a good leader is simply to ask if you are leading yourself well. And the answer to that lies deep down with us. Be frank with yourself right now and answer the question, “Are you a good leader?”.
Most times, when people speak about the leadership system around, we find it easy to label the elected or designated leaders as the people with issues. Well, it is always easier to blame another person for all the issues that we have, but what good would that do for us? Only when we are able to lead ourselves first can we indeed be able to say something about our leaders. Definitely, we still have something to say about our leaders, but wise people know to first handle the problems they can solve first before heading out to other problems. And that little problem you can solve right now is to properly look at how you are leading yourself.
If you continue down this path for the next 5 to 10 years, where would you be headed? That is a question I try to ask myself from time to time. Even though I still break it from time to time, it at least makes me guilty while trying to break that question. And no matter what I am doing, I am always looking at the impact what I am doing would have on my life years to come. It is sometimes hard to be able to figure out what impact our actions would have for some tasks, but you surely do know what can lead you to where you want to be and what would not.
So as you begin your day today, begin to ask the very important questions about whether you are a good leader or not. And it usually takes one person to tell the answer. The person you see in the mirror. To be very candid with yourself is the only way you can go further. Ask the very serious questions you have been avoiding. Can you be better than you currently are? What good would what you are doing right now bring to the world and to you? So many important questions arise that would make you know whether you are indeed a good leader or not.
So next time you get asked the question about whether you are a good leader or not, ask yourself whether you are leading yourself right or not. How well are you leading your life mentally, physically, spiritually and all other facets of life? Life itself only makes sense when we make good use of what we have. Otherwise we would be as normal as everyone else.
So begin to see yourself as a leader today since people around you would only do what you do. See leadership as showing people what you want them to be. If you want them to be sincere and loyal, be sincere and loyal. People we lead are like children, they learn best from what they see and not what we say. So why not show the world today from your behavior what it means to be a leader. The world does surely need more good leaders. And you can be one. Start now. Thanks and God Bless.