Be The Source Of Joy For Someone Today
So many times we take the wonderful things we have in life for granted, we imagine that everyone else too has it. But that is hardly the case in almost anything that we have. Other people are out there seeking to have just what you have today, and most importantly, what you have is special, and a lot of people are seeking for it.
Have you ever imagined that you are likely what someone out there is praying to be like? Exactly just what you are. Your current job, your current life and everything else about you is what someone wants to be. Imagine that you wake up healthy today, realize how many more people wish for the good health that you have, so many more wish to even be alive today. So understand that wherever you find yourself today, you are a goal someone somewhere wants to achieve.
As such, it is important that we take time to help others too with what we have. Helping others does not always have to be in magnitude of what people like Bill Gates are doing, something simple, something kind can go a long way to make the other person see the world a little better and that is what it means to help others. For you to be the lens through which they can see the world as a better place than they can currently see it.
Usually, simple things like being kind, humble, and affectionate are some of the things we can start with. Imagine smiling at the person you see everyday while heading to work, just checking up on your friends and family over a simple phone call. So many simple things we can do that really goes a long way to tell others that we indeed care. And that is one of the things we seldom see these days. People showing care and love to one another. We are too entangled in the web of achieving things for ourselves that we forget others. The world is more than just a race to amass all the wealth and resources that we can get, there is a whole lot more and only when we take time to find them can we indeed see them.
So as you start your day today, be so conscious towards being the source of joy for that person around you. The world would indeed be a better place if we all did something simple to help make the next person feel more comfortable. You do not need to do very big things. In our world where the very small things are quickly disappearing, any simple thing we do really goes a long way.
So do not think that others are where they are because they are lazy or not hardworking, most times, what we also enjoy are just lucky situations. And even when you feel you worked hard for it, imagine that it could still have gone to someone else. So no matter what you have, help out with it. It might be your time, just a smile, just touching your spouse and telling them how much you love them. Simplying speaking to your kids in a warm and loving manner.
So many simple things that we can do that can make the world a better place abound. Understand that whatever little gift you put into the universe, it finds it way back to you. So push as many wonderful things as you can since it would eventually come back to you. No one knows tomorrow they say, but you can be damn sure it would be better than today if you do something to make someone else’s life better.
The world needs more love, care, kindness and all the good stuffs it can get. We are the people to give these things out. And we can start with something small. Be the source of joy for someone today. Thanks and God bless.