Become A Better Version Of Yourself: Try The Inversion Principle
Many a times, when we want to achieve something, we ask ourselves the simply question, how can I achieve this? But maybe sometimes, we are asking the wrong question.
As a programmer, I ask myself how can I be a better developer. But the question I can ask myself is what should I do to be a bad developer. Once I figure out what I can do to make me a bad developer, I can then decide to run as far as I can from things that makes anyone a bad developer, things I would be left to do would be the things that make me a better programmer.
It might take a while to digest this concept but imagine you want to become better as a developer. Let us consider an example. What makes people bad developers is the first set of questions to review?
They do not learn new trends and do not update their previous knowledge
They do not seek to improve themselves and others by sharing what they do
They believe they already know it all. Spend too much time doing unproductive things like watching movies.
So to become a better developer, all you need to do is to avoid what the bad developer does. When you do not spend your time on unproductive activities, your time becomes spent only on things that pushes you forward and makes you a better person.
Whatever your field of life is, you can always become a better version of yourself through the inversion principle. It takes a while to get used to, but once you get used to it, you learn to become a better version of yourself.
So look today at what you are doing and determine if your actions are actions of good developers or bad developers or whatever endeavor in life you are currently pursuing. It allows you to evaluate what you are currently doing. You can tell yourself even before anyone evaluates you if you are on the right path or the wrong path.
Life is short to not be on the right path. Ask yourself today and determine the way forward. Thanks for reading and God bless.