Create Value By Helping Others
When you charge people for a service rendered, the process is basically simple, you give a specified service, and you get paid at the end. Simple right? But when the payment for your service is not guaranteed and you are not even sure there would be a reward or payment for your service, it becomes a little bit difficult to provide such service for others. And that is where helping others come into play. Helping other people is like providing a service, the only difference is you are not sure in what form you would be rewarded and when the reward would come forth. But that is okay.
Too many times, we consider services that pay us back almost immediately, but helping others with no thought of when we would be paid back is an angle we should also consider in life. Sometimes, life is more than just being paid for a service. Life is more. It is important to realize that whatever good you do, it always finds it way back to you. You can never tell in what form it would come back to you, but be rest assured good always begets good.
And that is what I hope you are able to learn from this today. It is important to always seek to make ourselves happy. But how many times are we actually helping other people? In the work you do everyday, how many value do you really create for other people that goes beyond the payment you are been paid for? Understand that is okay to do just what we are paid for, but people do not remember how much you charge them, they usually remember how you made them feel.
So many people seek to become entrepreneurs, but one question I keep asking is how much value are you creating? Beyond you balance sheet, can you have a balance sheet of the value you have truly created? The questions you want to ask is what am I doing today to make somebody better than they were yesterday? And what can I do today to keep helping others? Helping others does not usually have to be about giving away in charity, but it can be in the way we provide the service that we render to our customers. It is only by providing value that we can truly say that we are making progress.
If you cannot be able to see how much value you are creating, no matter how much financial success you currently have, it usually would not last. Only real value lasts. And that is because even when your current product does not provide the help your clients need, you are able to pivot to something else that provides better value for your clients.
Always think value and helping others first and you would surely be rewarded. In whatever that it is you do today, remember to help somebody. In the way you serve, the way you communicate, be that vessel through which somebody is happy today. People say baskets cannot hold water, but a basket can become cleaner simply by allowing water pass through it. You might not be the source of people’s happiness, but you can surely help transmit the happiness from you to them and that way, everyone becomes better.
And always remember, just because you are good does not mean others would be good to you, you have to be good for the sole reason of making another person’s life better, if they pay you back, good, otherwise, move on until you find the next person you can share your happiness with. Keep going and keep pushing. Remember the value we create is in how much we can help others. Everything else would follow. Thanks and God bless.