Focus On Your Blessings
What you truly focus on materializes. Take a few moments to let that sink in. What you truly focus on materializes. That is such a powerful sentence that it makes me take a few moments to ask what I truly focus on. And I sincerely want you to ask the same question. Whatever situation you find yourself right now can usually be viewed in two ways, the good or the bad. No matter how bad you feel the situation you currently are in, it can usually be worse than you can ever imagine and it also can be better.
The lens with which you view your current situation plays a major role in whether you come out of it better than you went in. Most of us want to have relationships that make us better versions of ourselves, but when we face challenges that make us better versions of ourselves, we complain. My observation is that these challenges are usually to make us better versions of ourselves, so why do we complain when we have them?
A challenge is an opportunity to become better at something. If you were already better, you would not be challenged right? So it is important to always view whatever we are going through as a form of blessing. And even when it is hard to view our challenge as a blessing, realize the little things that you have that other people basically do not have. And you would realize that in the scheme of life, you have a lot more than you realize.
We never truly know the value of what we have until we lose them, so it is very important to look around and appreciate the very little things that we take for granted. A bed to sleep on is one thing most people might consider as something simple, but do you know how many people around the world do not know where the next resting place for them would be? So many more cases abound of people around the world seeking for what you already have.
So do not take it for granted. Be grateful for it and keep pushing and seeking to be better. Look at your challenges as an opportunity to grow and shine. Because when you grow and shine, you become an overcomer of that challenge and you basically become a better you. A better version of yourself is what you should seek every day and that is what challenges set out to achieve for you. So while facing any challenge, remember to be grateful for the blessings you have. You never know when it might be taken away or how many more people basically wish they have what you have.
Keep growing and keep pushing. One day, the challenges you had to overcome would make more sense, but until then, you have to be willing to put in the effort to push through and to always see the blessings you have even though you are still challenged. We would achieve it if we continue to push through and appreciate our blessings. Keep pushing and keep going. Thanks and God bless.