Follow Excellence
Follow Excellence and success would follow you pants down. These words I heard from the movie 3 Idiots but it did not make any sense to me then. I watched it while as an Undergraduate, but watching the movie again now made me realize some of the things I never did realize earlier. That it is easy to follow in everyone’s footsteps but very difficult to find a path for ourselves which is the most important thing we should be doing.
You see, being familiar and doing things that are familiar are always the easier things to do every day. Remember the last time you did something that took you out of your comfort zone, something that pushed you so much you became better in your life. Well, a lot of us cannot remember. We seek to have the normal and familiar life. The life of everyone. Have a stable job, get a stable income. Do not get me wrong, these are not bad goals. But how many people changed the world doing that?
You can have a day job, but never let your goal and accomplishments in life become conforming to others. When you do, you depart the world just being like every other person. No significant impact and no way for people to remember you. You were too much like others. So I tell you today it is never too late to become what you want to be. Seek the path of what you want to become. Put in all that you can, seek to be excellent at it and in the end, it would pay off.
Distractions abound. Distractions that make us do what others are doing. Until you are able to form a path for yourself, you would not be able to create that focus that defines who you are. Can you remember how many more people made an impact simply living through their day jobs only to survive? Remember, you can have a job but have a much greater dream. Not only to serve but to serve humanity with all that you have.
In the end, it matters that we follow excellence in all that we do and in the things that we do, we do things that show the true depth of who we really are. Do not try to be like someone else, everyone is already taken. So find yourself and be yourself, no matter how long it would take. The world awaits your greatness. Go out there and be great.
My dearest love and respect goes out to my friend who lost his mum today. May God forgive her and bless her with the highest level in the heavens. Thanks and God Bless.