How To Have A Good Day
At the end of the day, we look back at our day and realize how it went. Sometimes, we are happy about how it ended and sometimes, we wish we could go back and make the day a little better. In the end, we realize the day is gone and all we have is to reminisce on what happened, never to be able to change that day.
But the next day comes and we have another opportunity to make another day happen for us. When such day comes, we rely on the experience we had yesterday to guide us through the day. We make sure to not make the same mistakes we made yesterday so that today does not become like yesterday.
For me, our experience is like a snapshot in the past with no use but to guide our present decisions. As such, one of the best ways to decide on having a good day is to avoid the experience in the past that made your day bad and do more of the activities that made your day awesome. That would depend to a great extent on what your goals in life are. To be able to take this path, you have to be truthful and clear with yourself.
Decide what a good day and a bad day means to you. When you have decided what a good or a bad day is, all you have to do is to avoid the bad things as much as you can and do more of the good things as much as you can. At the end of the day, you can look back and determine how much good you did.
To have a good day means to do good things, and to have a bad day means to do some pretty bad things. These are based on your goals. For me, working a movie on a night when I am supposed to be working is a bad thing, but working a movie after a long day of work is a good thing. So decide carefully and look at what makes a good day for you.
That is the path you have to seek to have a great day. So in the end, it does not have to be one good thing, it can be a string of tiny good things that culminate to give that wonderful feeling at the end of the day.
However we try to do the good things, sometimes, we cannot prevent the bad things from happening. When they do, remember that we are not perfect and sometimes, we cannot get it all perfect. So when you do not meet your goal, never relent. Remember that tomorrow would come, all you have to do is to learn from the experience of today. You can always be a better version of yourself.
So go out today and do the best that you can to ensure that all you do today are things that make your day a great one. Call that friend, send that appreciation email, check in on a friend. We all need to do good to make the world a better place.
It begins with me and you. Thanks and God Bless.