Integrity Matters
In the world today where people all around us seem to be getting more successful by the day, the pressure to also hit big is real and when we are not very careful, this can lead us to a path we may not be able to get out of. It is important to realize that it is okay to dream big and want to gather wealth, but what is more important to understand is that the weallth we gather would one day become that of another person.
So while gathering the wealth, realize that no one leaves with it in the end. A piece of cloth is all you are going with. So realize that it is important to know that the means to our wealth is very important. And while trying to aim big, we need to develop a strong foundation. In developing a strong foundation, we need a foundation built on top of integrity and trust. So many times we believe making money is important, but NO, how we make it is more important.
Realize that when you have all the wealth, people would look to you for some source of wealth. Would you want people to gain from you illegally? Why then are you choosing to gather illegally. Know that whatever means we use to gather our wealth is the same way the wealth would be taken away from us. You gather it the right way, you disburse it the right way and vice versa. So it is important to realize that how we make our money is very important.
Most people justify how they make ends meet by saying that every other person does the same thing. But do you want to be like the crowd, indistinguishable and just a number, or you want to be that person who makes a new path for themselves. Remember that if everyone agrees, it might just be wrong. That everyone agrees never makes a lie become the truth.
How we live our lives matter because in the end, how we live is how we die. You live honorably, you die honorably and vice versa and we all want to finish well. As such, it is important that we continue to imbibe integrity in everything that we do. Also realize that integrity matters not only in how we acquire wealth, but in how we deal with every single thing in our lives. Every little thing you do should be based on that concept of integrity and trust. No matter how much you want to break it, try as much as you can to always hold onto integrity.
Let what people know you as is a person with Integrity. This is because in the end, integrity wins and it matters. If integrity has not won yet, then it is not the end. Thanks and God Bless.