It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Do It
Most of the time, we feel overpowered by the rate of change and the number of events in our daily lives. We want to get more done, we want to do more and be more. We seem to equate movement with success. When people see your table filled with a lot of stuff, people believe that we are indeed working.
But have you ever reconsidered everything you are doing and wondered if you were doing it the wrong way? What if everything you have been doing is wrong? Who told you that what you are doing is the best way possible? Take a few seconds and evaluate what you are doing now. It is not about what you are doing, it is about how you are doing it.
So you do all these tasks every day and you feel tired at the end of the day over a very stressful job. But have you ever considered automating everything you do? What about delegating the not so important issues to another person who would gracefully attend to them? Whatever it is you are currently doing, there is a better way to handling it. So find that way.
Most of us are focused too much on the future that we underestimate what we can achieve in a day. By focusing on every day as our last, we would better be able to handle what we do. Consider today to be your last day at work, would you do what you are doing the same way? Would you not want to be so efficient that the next person that takes your seat would always remember you for the good work you did?
Life is how you take it. Same as your job. Have you ever realized that someone is somewhere doing exactly what you are doing but living a better and a more fulfilled life? Why then are you different?
Facebook is simply like a messenger. It takes messages and sends them to other people. But have you ever imagined how difficult it would be to communicate if we were to use humans for all the communication Facebook does? We would literally be doing the same thing but which would you prefer. This example might seem like an extreme but carefully look at what your next task today would be.
Can the task be done by another person without supervision? Can the task be automated so that subsequent ones are handled automatically? Can the current task be done on a larger scale so that the task is handled faster than handling it individually? Whatever your task is, you can always make it better.
So take some few seconds to go over all the tasks you have to complete today and determine which ones can be automated, delegated or even deleted. Not all tasks are even needed in the first place.
Remember, because you are moving does not mean you are progressing. You might simply be moving in the wrong direction. You would need to come back to your current position before you think of improving. So in essence, you are killing yourself more. So start today and make that task better.