Keep Your Phone Away

Abdul Azeez
2 min readDec 2, 2018

Once we feel free for a minute, the next thing that comes to mind a whole lot of the time is to get our phone and begin to check what is happening around us. We do this so much that we begin to make it an habit, an habit which slowly makes us more interested and dependent on what is always happening around us. But know this, whether you know or you do not, things keep happening.

So it is important to sometimes realize that knowing about all the trends in the world of sport, marketing and so much more can be quite interesting at times but do we really need it? It is important that we begin to realize and understand how important it is to have some time to ourselves. Because it used to be that our mobile phones kept us away from our families, but they are now keeping us away from ourselves. Until we keep our phones away, we might never be able to really have time and be ourselves.

It might be that you are reading this article with your phone, and that is okay but the point where it becomes too much is when you have all day breaking only to look at your phone. Take sometime out and keep your phone far away. In keeping our phones away, we always believe something important might happen that we might miss out. And sometimes this is true, but not all times, but our brains continue to be wired like this if we continue to pick our phones every little minute we have.

Humans are social animals and as such, we love to interact with one another. So it is important to always take some time away from our phones to check up on other people because connecting with others via our mobile phones is cool but it can never replace physical interactions. So as you continue your day today, set out time to yourself, a time away from your mobile, a time for yourself.

Because in setting time out for ourselves, we are able to see new things that we did not take time out to see before and as such, we experience life differently. Understand that living entails understanding what is around us and if we do not do that, we might sometimes not have lived at all.

So keep your phones away for a while, set out time for yourself, time for friends and family. Real quality physical time.

Thanks and God Bless.



Abdul Azeez

A Java Developer By Day, Python Developer By Night. Becoming Better Day by Day is my Ambition