Leaving something for the sake of Allah — Ramadan Reflections 4
In trying to participate in itikaf, one question that keeps coming to mind is what one would miss when the last 10 days begin and one is confined to the masjid, without being able to exact or impact the world in ways we want to. Where would the world be 10 days from today when I emerge, and what opportunities or changes would I miss out on if I focus on these days?
For me, an humbling experience around this came during the itikaf. Before itikaf, an area I have been very much interested in is Halal Real Estate business. I have spent time with my friend and brother Yusuf trying to figure out a way to approach the business, and this has been something that consumed my thoughts for a long time.
And within a few days of starting itikaf, a miracle happened. We realized a person within the community who has been actively involved in real estate development for the past 18 years in the area was in the same room as us, performing itikaf. And after chatting for a bit, realized the mentor we have been looking for was just right in front of us.
And the realization of this small fact, even though it might look small, is indeed a miracle to me. In learning about real estate, I have bought a book and tried researching various real estate approaches online. And when I decide to keep that away and other things for the period of itikaf, that opportunity itself comes back in even better ways than I have ever imagined. And what better way to meet a person to go into business with rather than in places where you have all gathered with the simple goal of worshiping Allah. The intention is for the sake of Allah, and hopefully, the business grows and proceeds with the blessing of Allah.
And that when you leave something for the sake of Allah, Allah replaces it with something better is one of the biggest reflections from this. So with the multiple choices and actions you take everyday, ensure that you leave things only for the sake of Allah. And indeed, Allah never forgets.