Moral Uprightness

Abdul Azeez
3 min readJun 14, 2017


The question of what is considered right or wrong has been debated for time immemorial. Some feel something is right and others feel it ia wrong. We have a lot of these types of issues in our daily lives and environment. However, beyond the issues we might feel are right or wrong, some are out-right wrong. I am writing this to admonish myself and my readers about some of the habits we need to watch out for. These kind of habits are easy to fall into and are very difficult to get out of.

I recently observed my attitude of talking about people behind their backs. It is a very common crime we all make. The issue with this attitude is that when we do it for a person, another person would do the same for us. Any issue we might not feel comfortable talking about behind a person’s back is better kept unsaid. We sometimes feel we understand the situation perfectly well and fail to realize why others do not see the problem. You waste time doing this and you would definitely hurt yourself.

It is an easy offence to commit which is why I want you to take your time in realizing that it would make the world a better place if we became morally upright. The feeling at peace we have with ourselves is second to none. We might see this as a small offence but it really matters that we consider it a big offence.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said speak only when your words are good or keep silent otherwise.

This is something we all need in this age and time when technology has made access to people easier. The more we come in contact with people, the easier it is to commit mistakes and as such we need to develop a heart that forgives and also a heart that is courageous enough to walk up to the other person and tell them how you feel. It is a difficult step but I believe it would make us better people.

Imagine it was you someone else was talking about behind your back. How would you feel? The answer is obvious. You would feel really bad. So do not do the same to others.

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

An African saying states that humans are like water, we do not know where our paths would meet again. So it is important that we create very good relationship with everyone we meet everyday. It does not matter who and what they are.

I really feel bad every time I remember talking behind someone. I feel like a coward, cravenness creeps all over me. I wish I never did it in the first place.

So I use this medium and opportunity to see forgiveness from everyone I have said something bad behind their backs. To my friends and colleagues at work, to my family and to everyone I ever have offended in any way. I really wish I could take it all back but I definitely cannot at this point. Henceforth, I would do much better at telling people how I feel right in their face rather than keep the matter lingering in my heart.

I hope you also do the same thing. We would indeed make the world a much better place.



Abdul Azeez

A Java Developer By Day, Python Developer By Night. Becoming Better Day by Day is my Ambition