On Being Generous
It is normal that as humans, we do things with an expectation of being rewarded for that. But in some cases, we have to do things with no thought or expectation of being rewarded and that is where generosity comes into play. Most times, we think that doing good for others means that we should expect something in return, but it turns out that doing something good even makes us feel better with our own selves.
So does that mean the person you are helping should expect something from you since they have also in one way helped you be better? Obviously no. But no matter what it is that we do for others, it is sometimes okay to not expect anything in return. But since we have such a busy mind that would keep thinking about it even though we say we would not, it is important that we try to take actions so that our thoughts can become aligned with our actions of not expecting anything in return.
One way to try to forget that you even helped a person is to follow one generosity with another. Doing that means that you have a lot of things going on and would be so difficult for your mind to keep track of how much wonderful things you are doing out there. And the key is to always have the intention to do something for another person with no intention of being rewarded by it.
And we should know that no matter how small something is, in as much as it makes someone else’s day become better, then we should go ahead and do it. It could be as simple as smiling at that person you see on your way out, taking a few minutes of the day to reach out to other people and just giving time to just listen when another person has something they have to say.
We are all not Bill Gates and cannot give out so much money to people in need, but we can give what we have to others with the hope that it makes them better versions of themselves. It could even be as simple as just giving someone a piece of advice on something you think would be good for them.
And never let the response of others toward you determine how much good you would do. It is difficult to not be affected by what others do, but always find it in your heart to always give more and more no matter what negative thing others do to you. It is important to be guided by experience, but we should also be guided by our principles. Our principle of giving no matter what others say or do.
It is a beautiful day to be generous. Give out to the world as you do not know how it would come back to you. Choose to give even when the world does not seem to care whether you give or not. A drop of water in the ocean might not seem like a big deal, but imagine if all the world added a drop of water to the ocean. Sure, a difference would be felt. That is how generosity works.
Be good, be kind and be generous. This day and forever. Thanks and God bless.