On Following The Crowd
No matter what the crowd is doing, if it is wrong, it is wrong. And whether a lot of people do something or not has never been the reason why it is true or false. Remember that. The core reason of why something should be done is only because it is the truth and what God has ordered us to do. It is important to never forget that the world in itself is not the destination, this world is a path to something even bigger and only the unwise would think that this world is all there is.
And since there is more to come, we should not live our lives merely based on the observations or suggestions of others. We should at all times ensure that whatever we do meets the requirements of what God wants us to do, not what others want us to do. I feel sad at the number of things people do today that was considered an abomination some few years back. And it simply has become the norm just because everyone is doing it.
Remember when it was so shameful to even consider someone as your boyfriend or girlfriend? Remember when it was unheard of to have a child out of marriage? Remember when it was abnormal to cheat in an exam or at a job? Those days are gone by and it becomes normal just because everyone is doing it? No, it does not become normal. And just because some people are doing it does not mean you should join them.
It is important to always know who you are even when the crowd is not around. Some of us find it difficult to define ourselves when the crowd is nowhere to be found. You do things for the validation of the crowd. And some things you even do, you have no reason at all for doing it, your pure and naive answer is others are doing it. Just because you can does not mean you should.
A simple question I would like to ask you is why you do some of the things you do today. Consider your answer properly and determine if the reason is a reason you truly chose for yourself or because the crowd says it should be. No matter what your answer is, take some time off and always think more about how you can be a better version of yourself. A better version of yourself and not a better version of the crowd.
Until you determine the reasons for why you do what you do, you might continue to follow the crowd all your life and following the crowd has never made anyone distinct. Imagine how many people have lived on earth since the beginning of time and how many of them we remember. We remember only the ones that did not follow the crowd. As for the ones that followed the crowd, they are as gone as the crowd.
Life is an opportunity to make an impact, an opportunity to make a difference and you sometimes can make a difference by just being different. Just different from the crowd is all you need to succeed sometimes. So just because everyone is doing it should not be your answer to the question. Think deeply and act well. Remember, the crowd is not the solution.
Keep learning and keep improving on yourself day by day. Understand that following the crowd has never made anyone successful and it would not make you the first people. You have to be different, act different and do things simply because they are the right thing to do. Thanks and God bless.