Respect Everyone You Meet
How would you treat someone if you realized that the person was Barack Obama or any other great figure? You would do all the best that you can to show care and affection to that person with all the time that we have. But why then do we treat anyone with less respect than we should?
Have you ever respected some less and later realized that the person was an important figure in the society? Next time you see them, you respect them more now that you know that rank and status in the society. But do you have to do this for everyone you meet? Wait until you find out their real position, then respect them more? NO.
So respect everyone you meet without any thought as to whether they are important or not. How you treat others matter. Treat everyone with the love and respect that you would love to also get. Make sure to always respect everyone no matter how simple they look to you.
A Yoruba Proverb says Humans are like water, we do not know where we would meet.
Since you do not know the next time you would encounter another person, why not give them the best they can get from you right now. Respect them and show them the love and care that you can give anyone. It matters that we do. The world really needs more of us to learn to love and respect each other more. Many of us carry so much pain in our hearts and a show of respect from another person goes a long way to make us really happy.
And we all need to be happy. The world needs more of us happier than we currently are. No matter what situation you are in, ensure that you respect everyone that comes your way with the highest level of respect and care. Who knows where you might meet again? And since helping others means helping ourselves, respecting others definitely means respecting ourselves.
So go out there today and be of the best behavior you can be with. Care, love and respect everyone you meet. The world needs more of it. Thanks and God Bless.