Say Something Good To Someone Today
It is important to realize that no matter how good or bad your day is going, you can always help shine a little light onto someone else’s life. We might not always have what we want, but we can always help one another become at least happier in this world that we are in. Our world today is usually full of people seeking to make ends meet and people usually find little or no time to even check up on one another.
Sometimes we have very valid reasons, we are busy. And that is fine, but we need to realize that it is what we do when we do not have time that is most important. Obviously, if everyone had time, they would do what you would also do. So the difference only comes in when you are as busy as you are. It does not have to be something very big, but just a few good words to one another can really go a long way.
The person you always pass on your way to work everyday is human and would appreciate that wonderful smile or few minutes talk you share. Our families also need to always hear us encourage and give them words that would make them feel good about themselves everyday. It is important that beyond actions, sometimes, just a little few words can do much more than what actions can do sometimes.
So take a few minutes today to check up on that friend you have spoken to in a long time, check up on your parents. Every single person we love, we should find time to always remind them that we indeed remember and love them. So no matter how busy you are, always find time to say a few nice words to your colleagues, friends and everyone around you.
Just a little act of kindness that you share might be what would help someone out there overcome that pain they are going through, help that person who thinks so low of themselves. When you appreciate another person, the self esteem of the other person increases and you do not know how far a person can go when they have a wonderful self esteem.
Understand that acts of kindness does not have to be very elaborate. Simple and random acts of kindness are some of the things we need in our world today. We must always continue to give out love, kindness and happiness. I believe the universe is a closed system and whatever you give out always comes back to you. So share some love, kindness and happiness today with everyone around you. We all need to be appreciated, loved and supported.
Be that person for another person today. Thanks and God Bless.