The Beauty of Islam

Abdul Azeez
3 min readJun 13, 2017


Recently, the media has been overflowing with news about the oppression of women in Islam and how a lot of countries deny women a lot of their right. Well, looking at it from another angle is always a good thing which is why I would like to state why I believe that Islam does not oppress women but only does what is indeed in the best interest of women.

Let me start my stating an example of a Muslim woman not traveling without her Mahram. The media tries to infer this in a bad way saying Muslim women are not even allowed to travel on their own. My simple question is would you advise the queen of England travel alone without any form of guide or protection. Well, the answer is obvious. In Islam, some of these advantages may not be immediately obvious but their advantages far out-way its disadvantages.

My second example is the case of covering the body. Some people might argue that do the Muslim women not feel hot in those type of clothes. Well, there are also a lot of reasons to support that. First instance to support that is do you always see the queen of England at ceremonies. No matter how hot or cold the place is, she must always have her gloves on. So can you say she is oppressed if she is wearing her gloves even in hot weather condition. Well, that would not be a very good way to look at it. The gloves keep the queen’s hands warm and also keeps off germs when she shakes other people. Why do we not look at those advantages when talking about the clothes the Muslim woman wears?

Also is the case of a lot of things we do not fully understand and simply give talks based on how we were raised. The way and life of a Westerner is never the same as that of an Arab or an African and as such we should try as much as possible to always understand certain situations before giving any unfit advise.

We Muslims treat our women as our Queen of England and would go the extra length to make them feel that way. We would love that they are always respectfully dressed, help in making families more morally upright and many more. The Religion of Islam is indeed from Allah and everything it involves is for the best of we humans.

These examples I have stated might not really look satisfactory to you but really, our creator knows us more than we know ourselves and has made these rules. You might not understand or agree today, but one day, we would all understand and agree.

I hope it would not be too late then. Grab a copy of the Quran today and learn more.

Peace be unto you.



Abdul Azeez

A Java Developer By Day, Python Developer By Night. Becoming Better Day by Day is my Ambition