The Dots Will Connect
Life sometimes seems like chaos and things happen that we cannot understand. Things happen that it seems as if it were all random, but you know what, they are not. The events in your life are not random but have been planned by the best of planners. All you need to do is to be as prayerful as you can be and put in the efforts possible.
Because when you look back, in the end, the dots do indeed connect. And that event that you do not think would lead you anywhere might be leading you to the partner of your life. That school that you do not want to attend might be teaching you something that you would need in another part of your life.
Events that happened to great people when looked in isolation sometimes do not make sense. But in the end, they are forever grateful for that single event that has changed their lives and their loved ones forever. So whatever happens today, know that it is part of the dots and that in the end, the events would all make sense and you would be happy it did happen.
All you need is to pray, put in the best possible, and always seek the positive side of things. It matters that you do because when these events happen, the positive side is not always obvious. But with more time and effort, the positive side becomes so obvious that you wonder why you did not see it earlier. You can only connect the dots when you keep going and keep pushing.
So continue to seek to connect the dots every day and as such, continue to seek God, be the best possible, and seek for the positive side. In the end, the dots would connect. Have a blessed day.
Thanks and God Bless.