The Muslim Stranger — Part 2 — On Giving
In the world of today, a look into how much money we have in the bank, invested in the stock market and all others are the big rage. We think if only I can get more ways to increase this wealth, I would really love it. The bank says to you, bring your money and we can help multiply it. You continue to seek hoping that your account never diminishes and that you have some money saved up when something bad happens, as if we are only keeping the money for something bad to happen.
But anyways, I digress. Back to the matter. How does the stranger Muslim look at his savings and spending? How much have I saved for my encounter with Allah? How much charity did I give? What would become of me when I have lived and died and the money I have was only for me? How much of a loss would that be?
But to give can be very difficult. We think where else can I get something into my account when I give something out. If I give out, where does new money come from?
But again, the life of the stranger Muslim is not guided by the new shining way to make money or the most talked about approach of saving. It is the way of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (SAW). And the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (SAW) has mentioned to us that our wealth does not decrease when we give in charity. And so, we have to believe and give. Even when the bank account seems to be going down.
Would you not prefer to give in exchange for what Allah gives you? Is it not better that you only give money to people who need and you are not the one seeking from others? Would you not want that Allah prevents something from coming to you through what you give? Is it not that what is with Allah is better?
And because you do not see in physical terms the transaction with Allah does not mean it is not there. And the multiplicative value of what Allah compensates you with is more than what any other investment can give. And the place you would get the returns is a place like no other.
And with Allah is the best of resources. So give, O Stranger. Even though it seems strange in a world of compounding interest to give, it is to Allah a good thing. So remember, we do as Muslims what Allah wants us to do, not because it is common or strange, but because only Allah has with Him the best of outcomes.
So O stranger, live on earth as though you are passing by, for your days are numbered here. And your time with Allah is infinite. So please only Allah, O Stranger, for your reward is with Him.
Hopefully, as you read this, you give in charity to your family and friends, and the people around you who are in need. Thanks for reading and may Allah bless and reward you abundantly.