To Succeed, You Do Not Have To Be Normal

Abdul Azeez
3 min readNov 2, 2019


The title for my article today does seem a bit not normal, don’t you think? Before I wrote out the title, I took a few moments to check the meaning of the word normal, and some of the synonyms that caught my attending were ordinary, common, typical, usual, fixed and conventional. And when we say we do what is normal, we are basically saying what we are doing is common, or usual or basically ordinary. And when you seek to succeed, you realize that normal would never bring you closer to the goal or dream that you aspire to achieve.

Understand that just because others do it does not make it the right thing. It makes it the common thing, and when you do what is common, what do you expect to become? You cannot be uncommon by doing what is common, you can never achieve that high dream and hopes you want if what you do is what everyone else is doing. To be different, all you need is to raise the bar and show that you are different.

What will people say is one thing that always make people fall in line and do what others do. But have you asked yourself if what people say would matter on your death bed, do you think what people say would ever have affected when you would die? No, it never was going to be a factor. You can be the talk of the town, but other matters would soon come in and you would be long forgotten. So to be more than what you ever imagined you can be, it needs to start with you willing to do things others are not willing to do.

It starts with being uncommon and you need to make conscious effort at it. Anything you do should never be because others do it. What others do and what you are not the same. You need to lead the way into another path, where what is presently normal is no longer normal, you need to be willing to create the new normal. And when you do, you realize that the crowd is not usually right, it just has more people in it.

And because there are many people in the crowd, the path you take is usually less crowded and you have more time and space to achieve the goals you set out for. Remember, just because you do what is not normal does not mean it would be easy, it might probably be more difficult than doing what is normal. And that is the price you have to pay for not doing what is ordinary and common, but the reward in the end is worth every piece of it.

So make your choice and decision today. Would you remain common, usually or take the path that leads to a life you would one day be happy you chose. Time is ticking away and you need to make the choice now. Go be wonderful. Thanks for reading and God bless.



Abdul Azeez
Abdul Azeez

Written by Abdul Azeez

A Java Developer By Day, Python Developer By Night. Becoming Better Day by Day is my Ambition

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