Today Is The Future You Have Been Waiting For
How many times have we told ourselves that we would start something someday? Things like I would start using the gym or start reading that book someday. We somehow think that the perfect moment is that day when all is perfectly set and we simply flow into it.
But most times, the perfect day to do anything is the day you have right now. Why is that? Because you are not guaranteed another day and as such, you should only use what you have. They say a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. And I say, a day in hand is worth a year in the future. So if you think you would do something a year from now in the future, it is equivalent to starting today.
Starting today makes you see some of the mistakes you can make and rather than extending the mistakes to a time in the future, you are able to experience the mistakes and make amends so that when you perform that action the next time, you are a better version of yourself. Also, once you get started, it is usually more exciting than having to wait another day.
So if you have something you have been planning to get started for a long time and awaiting that perfect moment, the moment might already be passing away and sometimes perfection keeps us away from doing what has to be done.
Do we ask questions like what if I am not good enough? To that, I say go ahead anyway. You can only find out if you do it. So no matter how much grand plan and idea that you have, you need to realize that today is a day you can get started on that. Tomorrow might be too late and the only thing you never want to have is regret.
It is better to regret doing something than to regret not doing it at all. Inaction is a greater enemy than you can ever imagine. To come up with this article, I have asked myself if this was the best I can do, but I compel myself to write anyway because I can never answer that question if I do not have something to even critic or improve upon.
So I say to you, understand that life comes in a block of 24 hours every time, if you choose to use it or not, it would go on. So the choice is yours to make. Whether you would let this block of 24 hours go away or you would grab it and make the best use of it that you possibly can. It does matter that you are putting in some work every day to become that better version of you.
Whatever goal or aspiration you have, today is a day you can do something about it. Mostly, we have the idea and the time, and all we need to do is to act upon it. All we need is action. So go get some action done on that plan today. It does not matter how small you put in, just put in some effort today.
Thanks for reading and God bless.