What Is Your Perfect 24 hours?
We live life every day with the goal of attaining the perfect life we can ever get, but the simple question I want to ask you today is how do you describe the perfect 24 hours in your life? This exercise involves you getting a piece of paper, and breaking the entire 24 hours into sleeping, eating, praying, and all the other activities you can plan in a day.
But then, imagine that the day you plan is the perfect day of your life. Then look at the life you are living now and determine what needs to improve and what needs to go away for you to have that perfect life. Every time you want to start or stop something, consider how that impacts your 24 hours perfect life.
Most times we are busy in life, but do those things you remain busy at ever lead you to the perfect life you want? If the answer is yes, then keep going, and if the answer is no, then you have to start doing something new. Most times, we might need a few moments to decide what the answer is. So imagine you are going somewhere and you do not know where you are going.
You are living life daily to achieve a perfect life in some sense, but you cannot put down what your perfect day looks like. Then what exactly are you doing? It is important to always be doing something, but if what you are doing does not move you closer to your bigger goal, then it is time to say goodbye. We simply need to be deliberate with the things we do in life and that is the only way we can become that version of ourselves that we always seek.
Getting better is not a simple task, which is why a lot of people are not doing them. But if you choose to be better, you have to start with having that goal in your mind. Visualizing whatever you want can be a very powerful motivation even when things do not seem to be going well. And imagine if you are able to achieve that 24 hours perfect day. Then that means you can be able to replicate it every day. And imagine living your life every day to its perfect level.
When you write about your perfect day, consider that things are perfect and you do not need to be overwhelmed about why certain things would not happen. Be more concerned about the day than the challenges that set you back. Know that having a destination is more important than not having a destination at all. And sometimes, it is the journey towards the destination that matters. But first, you want to have a destination.
Take a few moments and write about your perfect day, then see if the things you are doing now aligns with that. Having a perfect 24 hours plan is necessary because there are so many battles we can fight, but choosing the right ones is more important. And that is what having the perfect 24 hours plan gives you. A way to decide what to choose.
Imagine you are able to get the perfect day of your life right now, how would you want it to be? Looking forward to hearing from you about your perfect day. Thanks and God bless.