What Would People Say?
These 4 words have created much more havoc than you would ever imagine. It has bound people to a life they never really wanted and in the end, life was never as they wanted it. In the end, it was all about anguish and annoyance since you were not able to get the life you wanted.
People try as much as possible to want to belong since humans by nature are social animals. So we do things that the society sees as normal. We do as society does so that in the end, we are not the odd ones out. We belong and we have that sense of belonging. But take it back a little and imagine what would happen if we did not do things as society suggested? What would be the case if we did things differently?
In the end, if you follow the path everyone follows, you arrive where everyone arrives. But when you take a different path, your destination would never be the same. The idea that your path is different from others is scary but in the end, the assurance that you would get something different should be what keeps you going.
People say what is the difference between successful people and others. For me, it is that successful people do what others do not do. Simple. Sometimes, everyone doing it does not make it the right thing to do. Remember, opinion is not knowledge. Just because a lot of people have the same opinion does not make it any useful than just one person having the same opinion.
Questions you can ask is that should one go to school to learn? Must everyone seek employment before we become useful? The full answer is that no one really knows, but we are comfortable in that others are following it and if we do, well, we might end up where others did. Speaking to a friend gave me a better understanding of some of these. He explained to me why he would seek for knowledge taught during MBA but would not go to school for that. The curriculum is out there, seek it and then get the knowledge. You must not be in the classroom to gain knowledge.
Obviously, it becomes easier to complete if everyone supports it, but no one ever said it had to be easy. No one did. We just felt we needed to take the easy way out. Sometimes, the easy way out is a shortcut back in. It never really solves the problem.
So begin to think and design your life devoid of what people would say or think. Obviously, you should listen especially when what you are trying to do is a bad thing, but when you are trying to improve your life and become a better person, what would people say should never make you change your mind.
You have one life to live. Stop living as if you were testing it out. It is a no testing policy. You buy it, you keep it. So seek to become better every day in the life by seeking ways that make you better rather than seeking ways everyone agrees is the only way. In the end, when it works for you, everyone asks how you did it and that becomes the norm.
Until then, you have to continue to strive towards creating a path that leads nowhere but to greatness. Lessons in life are inevitable. Fail fast and move fast. No need to worry too long. We are all going to die in the end.
Start today. Build a life you want devoid of thoughts that limit you. In the end, the result is what justifies your action, not based on what people said.
It is okay to be afraid, not sure how things would turn out. But the uncertainty sometimes is what increases the value of the reward. Never give up, keep pushing.
Thanks and God Bless.