Who Are Your Friends?
A friend is someone who someone who seeks to always make you a better version of yourself. When you have people who continuously seek to make you a better person, never loose them. They are indeed your true friends. I have had the opportunity to have really great friends around and I want to use this opportunity to thank everyone of them.
But before you begin to think of your friends as real friends, ask yourself the question if you are indeed a good friend. Never seek for what you are not. You can only have great friends when you are indeed great. Do you always seek to bring out the best in others, or simply always seek for what is comfortable for you. You never want to do anything more.
I made a great mistake these past few days and I never really took time out to consider it a big deal. But a friend took the courage to tell me what I have done. This made me realize how important our friends really are. You want to know what I did, I was driving without a license. Sometime I am not proud of at this moment and I apologize and promise to never do that again.
Looking back at this incident made me reflect on how many of our friends are currently seeing us doing something bad but they never tell us. Self-assessment is very difficult at times so it is very good when we have people that give us good feedback in time to adjust and be better. For me, I have learned my mistakes and promise to be a better version of myself.
So before you ask “Who Are My Friends?”, answer the question “What Type Of A Friend Am I?”. Are you the type that never gets to do anything to improve others, just criticize the little others have done. Would you like that the tables are turned and you are on the other side of the friendship. You need to think deep and understand that to have good friends, you have to first be a good friend. It is important that we become better versions of ourselves before we can seek to make others better.
The world needs to become better everyday and it needs all the good people it can get. So make up your mind today and go out there and be a better version of yourself. Reach out to that friend and be there for them, help them become stronger and better. In the end, we all benefit. The world needs it.
Thanks and God Bless.