Your Expectations Usually Come To Pass
I see many people explain that they need to have money saved in the bank before they get married so that when something bad happens after they get married, they have money to take care of it. And you wonder why bad things happen in the end right? Well, that was what they already set their mind to. Do not get me wrong, it is a good idea to have money saved, but do not have money saved for the wrong reasons, whatever you expect is usually what happens. Save for the rainy day, people say, and you wonder why the rainy day eventually happens.
Imagine that people lived life without the fear of whatever tomorrow brings. Yes, we should prepare as much as we can, but our preparation should not be driven by fear, it should be driven by the need to live every day as if it was our last. Many people live the same day of their lives over and over again because they simply are too afraid to try something out or are basically too scared to try something different. Something they are not sure would lead to what they want. As such, people play life safely every day and yet, we wonder why so many of us live life averagely.
The simple answer is because we expect average results which then leads to doing average work, which then leads to an average life. That keeps multiplying and at one point, we are so afraid that we cannot even think of anything beyond thinking safe. It is important and okay to think safe, but we might probably already be thinking too safe to take the chance we need to become the better version of ourselves.
And most times, people judge their decisions based on what they have experienced in the past. If the decision you make today is based on a limiting impression you had yesterday, then all you are doing is living your yesterday over and over again. As such, many people live to 100 years but have only truly lived less than 10 years since, in the remaining 90 years, all they did was repeat the same cycle. So I ask you, how many years have you truly lived?
Until you are able to take action irrespective of what people say or what your past experience has made you believe, then you truly have not lived. Unless you begin to see possibilities where others see impossibilities, then you would continue to be limited by the things that limit you. What you expect is what you get, I repeat, what you expect is what you get. So as much as life has its challenges, expect more and be more. Since when you expect more, you generally go all out and do more, and as you continue to do more, you simply realize you are way ahead of whatever plan you have set out for yourself.
Consider when people apply for school, they usually expect to be accepted by lower schools and as such, would not bother even applying for the big schools. Their reasons, well, I expect to not be admitted by the big school, so why try in the first place. And you wonder why in the end, they only get to go to the low school. Well, not everyone that applies to the big school gets into the big school, but 100% of those who never tried would never get in. It is important to realize that life has its way of determining who is willing and who is not. And that usually comes in the form of tests and trials. Imagine if all the hard things were easy, then nothing would be hard.
So as you continue to pursue and seek life today, expect more and do more. Remember that whatever you expect usually turns out to be the case. You can not expect to be average and see yourself at the top. You have to expect to be at the top, put in all the effort that you can, and await the result that comes. Expect highly of yourself and behave highly. That is the secret to becoming whatever it is you seek to become. Thanks and God bless.