Your Response To The Challenge Is What Matters
And when we feel we are done with one task, we are once again accosted with another more interesting task. And once that next task is completed, yet more tasks await. And so, it seems as if this world is more like a place to simply complete one task after another, with the end of all tasks never accomplishable. Only doing the little that you can, and giving way to another person to move on with the next task.
I clearly remember what it felt like imagining how life would be like when I completed my secondary school education. I felt having to wake up early morning for classes would be over, and I would have an entirely different life when I get to the university. Truly, God extended the life we have and I was able to get into university. But lo and behold, new struggles erupted and we had to handle them in the university. And the next big goal was graduating from university.
Graduating from the university made perfect sense. You have been in it for too long or so I thought to myself. And here I am today, done with my first degree, but the challenges of everyday life seem to also be graduating from its own university and adopting new forms to come at us. And this has made me realize that what we need is not a way away from our problems, but a spirit that would help us face our challenges when they face us. No matter how successful you get, one thing is for sure. You would have one thing or the other to struggle with.
And that is where all living humans are the same. We all have one challenge or the other we have to overcome every day. And our decision to overcome that challenge and how we overcome it is usually the differentiating factor for all of us. Two people might be facing the same problem, but take an entirely different approach to solve the problem. As such, the problem is not the factor, our response to the challenge is what matters.
So whatever challenge or circumstance you are going through, understand that even if and when you win, other challenges await you. That is just how the world is structured. Do you take time out to exercise and when you want to start, you always feel almost the same inertia to not get started every time? The challenge to get started or keep pushing in all areas of our lives is indeed real. So no matter what happens to you today, understand that it is more a function of your response than the action itself.
Two twin brothers with a drunk father grew up to become entirely different people. The first child became a drunk and the second child a successful person. When asked what happened, they both answered the same way, our father was a drunk. Same problem, but a different approach to the problem.
So I ask you today about the approach you would use to solve any challenge that comes your way. Are you going to give up and take the easier route or do the best that you can to win? A tree, when faced with lack of water, continues to grow its root deep into the ground, it does not say, well I give up. Then it dies. So humans should also learn this method of continuing to survive.
But understand that pushing forward sometimes means taking a step back and analyzing the situation, then doing something entirely different that still takes you to your goal. You do not have to keep one thing too long. Sometimes, you just need a little push in another direction to get started. But keep an open mind and keep pushing. You do not want to be moving around too many things at the same time.
So as you start today, understand that the challenge does not matter. It is your response that truly matters. Do the best to respond well and the world would indeed become a better place one person at a time. Thanks and God Bless.